The dissemination of BUILD EUROPE THROUGH SPORTS project passed this weekend a very important stage of the moment consisting in a foot tennis tournament organized in front of Ramnicu Sarat Municipality building. With the participation of 8 teams of 2 players passionate of sport and foot tennis and beneficiating of a good outside weather and in the same time with the presence of Ramnicu Sarat vice-mayor, Mr. Sorin Cirjan, a strong fan of this sport and one of the best players in the region considering his profession of Sports Education Teacher, the tournament was a real success of involvement and a wonderful proof of availability together coming from ONIX organization and local public administration. For this event the street situated in front of the municipality building and also around it was blocked, this being a perfect opportunity also for rollers, skaters, cyclers to come and enjoy the atmosphere, creating in this way a common image guided by a new and dynamic spirit at Ramnicu Sarat.

This action organized between 23-24 august 2014 was only the first meeting of all those who love practicing sport in Ramnicu Sarat, the next activity being planned for the next weekend when will be organized a inside football competition opened for all the youngsters coming from Ramnicu Sarat and neighbor communities.
Florin Ceparu – Manager de proiect
Articol realizat in cadrul proiectului BUILD EUROPE THROUGH SPORTS derulat cu sprijin financiar din partea Uniunii Europene in cadrul Programului ERASMUS PLUS, Actiunea cheie 1 – Mobilitati ale tinerilor.
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