As we planned, at the end of September, between 26 – 28, Youth Center from Ramnicu Sarat was the place where 20 youngsters decided to start a valuable learning process together with specific trainers, youth workers or simple volunteers in BEST project. One of the most important steps followed by the training was to capitalize the opportunity to give to the participants the chance to be creative, to use their knowledge, their experiences and dynamic spirit in order to understand and be part of a different kind of learning through, also, different tools and methods used, all coming from non-formal education. Starting with a dialogue from which we tried to make them be aware about the differences between formal and non-formal, after a work on teams, the training course succeeded to be a good promoter of a new way of learning structured and build on ERASMUS PLUS principles and guided to new future projects in which the participants of the training will be involved. In this way the training wanted to be a valuable investment in participants education and preparation, considering their motivation for participating in future projects in which all these experiences to be capitalized.

For that, the training was built each day on two sessions of learning each one being composed of two sub-sessions. The first part of each session was represented by the training process in which the trainers tried to teach the youngsters new tools and methods of non-formal education as: Brainstorming, Workshop, Photovoice, Public Café, Open Space, Teambuilding, Debate, Energizers, Storytelling, Know each other games and Case study. The most important part of the training process after a complete presentation for each method was to application of the method. For that, the participants were divided in teams or motivated individually in order to complete different tasks which helped for a better understanding of the methods. For the training course, they were prepared application forms and a selection process for which each participant applied, the selection being made after a motivational interview in which the most important argument was the motivation to multiply the knowledge and experiences gained in new future ERASMUS PLUS Projects. Also, an important part of the training was reserved to present ERASMUS PLUS Program, it’s principles and the importance of non-formal language, Youthpass and competences in each participant development.
“INVEST IN YOUTH” training course, at the end of the process, as the evaluation appreciates was a full learning process, one which for this moment created a new team of youth ready to be part of new mobility projects (especially), continuing in this way the collaboration started in BUILD EUROPE THROUGH SPORT project.
Florin Ceparu – Manager de proiect
Articol realizat in cadrul proiectului BUILD EUROPE THROUGH SPORTS derulat cu sprijin financiar din partea Uniunii Europene in cadrul Programului ERASMUS PLUS, Actiunea cheie 1 – Mobilitati ale tinerilor.
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